@Zakuga Hm, in that case I could probably recommend two places for online learning. The cheapest is to make a playlist and save videos on YouTube. There you can find anything you need to know on 2D animation with the softwares that you’re using.
Another one is called Skillshare which gives you access to any tutorials that you want free for one month on a new subscription. Afterward you can choose to pay a monthly or annual subscription.
I think that’s all at the top of my head. I didn’t add Udemy in my recommendations because the course videos can be kinda pricey since they don’t do subscriptions as far as I know. They do discount deals sometimes though. Another tip I could add is to check out ArtStation Learning. I just found this out the other day, you can watch tutorials on there if you have an account with ArtStation. Just see if you can find any on 2D animation there.
It depends on what sort of animation you’re going for. Blender is good for 3D rigging and animations, but are you looking to do 2D animation?
Yeah, I should have mentioned that. Yes 2D, I use 3dsmax for my 3d and rigging :)