Video game programmers suck ass at marketing
For literally months we've been working on a game. It's on steam green-light (Greenlight Game). We need like 60,000 people to check the "yes" button on steam and so far we have like 8,000. Ugh
It's gotten the to the point their like:
"Does anyone know how to market?"
I'm like: "sugar peas?"
They're like: "Who let the concept artist inside again?"
"Get her out of the meeting"
Me: "wait guys-- SUGAR PEAS!~uhgmurffle
/tackled and dragged out of room*
Sugar peeeeeeeeeaaaaas~
Never forget. The struggle of sugarpeas 9/15/2013.
Does anyone in this vast boney but beautiful website of Newgrounds know how to market? I can give you a cookie and some milk for giving advice, actually like half a cookie, just split it with me, okay?
yo bro imma teach you how to market son
-you gotta have some famous video game character in the game, work out a deal with some one
-go to a convention (duhhhh)
Zakuga (Updated )
We are going to MAGFest. We are indie a famous character is not within our budget. :[
We are implementing characters for the different ships- if that will make a difference.